Sunday, December 09, 2012

Who am I?

Maybe I never want to tell you or myself who I am. Who am I? I was no one. I always wanted to be someone. Just someone. I don't want to be another person or student in a list of thousands of students. That happens in Malaysia. Well, I just like every student there except a little tinge of different that nobody knows. I am quiet, responsible and follow other people sayings. Who am I? I am not that smart like Hanienah, or a drawer like Safiyah or imaginative like Izzati. I am not as sporty as Kamalia and her sister. I am not as cool or confident as Adilah or Aida. I am not as Islamic as Fatin. Who am I? Am I just another student? I am so quiet like I always try to isolate myself. I look how people are and they want to be. Sometimes I want to be just like them. They all cool and adventurous. They might have an impressive achievements in the future.
Maybe, it is true. I am someone but not in my country. Because of different system of education in United States, people thought I am intelligent. Well, I only do the homework that's all. Maybe, if any one of my friends came here, they receive a lot of attention. I was known by the teachers and my fellow classmates that I am smart but I am still quiet. We still have different ethnicity and religion but we live together in harmony. I never actually got that sneer look on someone face because of my religion. I am different. So, I am someone, someone in another country because I am doing what I am. I am being myself. I am not confident, I follow the rules and I am quiet.
I think I value myself. I never want to be someone else. This is me and nobody can change me. I know I will change when I get back and this time no one can change me, no one. Not even the most popular girl in the school. Only I, myself can change me. I know people tried to change me because I am different. Well, I shall say this: even though you are completely different, never change yourself. You are different but remember there is also someone just like you too even though that person is not in front of you right now.
Wish Well Wisher
or whoever I am.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It snow today!

Sometimes you are too busy to realize that the semester is ending...
And maybe you are too busy to realize how sometimes the world is beautiful even though the world is another cruel place to live.
Ever thought about snow?
Snow is white, fluffy and beautiful.
One of the wonderful things that nature gives.
It coats the world with white,
And somehow,
You didn't dare to step on it,
because it shows,
and maybe, it destroyed the peace of snow,
But, snow is cold,
It stings you with a ferocious wind,
But, do you really care?
The snow,
it is just like the world,
How it is so beautiful,
and also, very dangerous,
and cruel,
and every action you do,
it shows clearly,
and can change the surroundings,
like the snow that has been step on...

Monday, October 01, 2012

Dreams is... another thing...

What do you think of dreamers? 
Do you believe in dreams?? You don't!? Well, maybe you will see about it someday. You know what a dream is? Dream is believing something that you don't have. Believe that "something" will appear. Beautiful, right? Some dreams are impossible to reach while some can. I think many dreams are impossible to reach like mine. That's disappointing but at least you have dreams. Dreams is what make you happy because it is not control by someone and it is free. You are free to dream whenever you want and whatever you want. That is the best thing about it. And it is yours, only you, for keepsake.

People sometimes doesn't want to believe this childish stuff. Why? I don't know. There is something wrong with their mind, I guess. Anyway, people think dreams are useless and disappointing. You dream too high and somehow you lose, got crush and plunge into the deep. It is the end of the world. Then, they don't get back up again. They lost hope because they dream and tried to get it. Now, this when friends and family came in and tried their best to get that person up again, which depends if your friends and family sees it or not. Hey, now you know why they don't want to dream because they had dream before and fail. Such people, they really need some motivation to get their hopes up again. One thing you should always remember : DON'T LOSE HOPE or DON'T GIVE UP.

Really both of them are just the same. :) I always like dreamers. Why? because somehow they keep coming up again and again  without losing hope.
Wish Well Wisher...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Remember that you are not the only one that has that feeling.

Have you have a feeling that you are alone in a room full of people? Really, you have! Or you just lying. Just kidding. I have that kind of feeling too and I know many people felt alone even though there are many people surrounding you. Sorrow is a feeling alone in a room full of people. hehehe saje2 nk berquote.What about other "alone"? Like alone in a place? Have you ever have that? Of course, everybody has that. It's obvious. That feeling for me is afraid or something else. I don't know how to explain it. Sorry.

Do you ever think that you are the only one who have a one specific problem? I did. I have a problem that I think that no one else have. When I have that feeling my eyes started to feel hot and my heart felt like it tore to pieces. It is a problem in life, so what should you do? Keep it or let it out to someone else? It is your opinion but it is not an embarrassment that you cried because of it. Sometimes letting it out is just better than swallowed your tears. Well, maybe not in front of everybody. Find a place alone or with someone(if you are not secretive) and let it out. I actually could feel my heart really clenched when I swallowed my problems. If you have problems, move on with your life. It is just really bad that you mourn about it and you don't receive any progress in your life.

But, you have to remember that it is not you have that one specific problem. You are not only one that have a problem or a challenge. You have to be grateful because some people have harder problems than you. I actually feel very proud to people have harder problems because they are stronger than me. Be grateful. Last week, I found somebody who have the same problem as me! It is so exact that I couldn't believe what I am reading. I won't tell you more about this, though. Sorry. So, see. You are not the only one in the world that have the specific problem. 

You are not alone. If you are in the room full of people and you felt sorrow, remember that you are not alone. There is maybe someone in the room or the school or the world that is also alone that are waiting for you to came and help them.

Hey look! A black and white picture!

From Wish Well Wisher

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hey, Hey, What are you doing?!

I wish someone writes this...People are very busy, today. You know, school. Well, I have a little time to do this but at least I have time. Okay, Let's get into to the topic. Let's learn this word R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect, do you know what it means? Of course, you do. Why would I want to tell you, anyway. This word is at every corner of the world! So, you should know.
Do you heard of the video that starts uprising of Middle East? Really, you don't!? How ignorant are you!! Hehehe xdelah just kidding. It must be very busy week for you. I don't want to tell all the details, though. It is on the news in all of the world, people. You must look it and at least know some basic info. about it. The video is awful, bad and UNRESPECTFUl. Why? Well, If you being teased or give a bad opinion about you, do you feel angry, like one thousand times angry? That's how the people of Muslims feel. Because of the video that tease Prophet Muhammad SAW, people are angry.
So, what do these two topics have in common? Anybody want to answer? No!? Well, okay. The vidoe has unrespectful opinion about Muslims. Get it? I know it's an opinion but respectlah. What do you feel if your religion being teased? Remember to respect people opinions. Respect people religion. Why you would want to make such a stupid video? Okay, maybe some of you guys like it but seriously it doesn't help. That video just change the "peace" of the world. Do you think that person who make the video is bad? Well, I think he is. But, thats an opinion, you want to think whatever to him, fine. Like I will be mad at you. I do not force people to be like me. Say sorry and forgive too. Forgive the person say sorry for your actions.
Ooooh that's rhyme.
From wish well wisher

Sunday, September 09, 2012

School is...What do you think?

I am so sorry. 2 weeks is unforgivable. I am such a lousy person. So sorry. Please forgive me. I'm just like everybody else. Forgetful and busy but hey, at least I'm here. What's my reason for my disappearance? Read the title. Yes! School and technical problems. Blame the school and the computer, okay? This computer is PC not those cool Mac computers.
So, summer is finish here at US and school is starting. Now, it is the second week in school and I survive the first week! How glad am I! I just need to survive approximately 9 months more. How long is that?! very long, I guess. The Malaysian students have to survive more than that though. Pitiful but I prefer to say I am more pitiful.
So, who hates school? Who likes or enjoy school? Well, It could be 50/50. I would say both. I do not like school because...why would I want to tell you that? I won't tell you guys anything lah. Korang x best. Sorry. Secrets are fun to keep sometimes.
Do you ever know between school and life? No? I tell you now. This is some opinion so maybe you want to think it something else is fine to me. School teaches you lessons and then give you test. Life gives you a test and you learn a lesson. It is a quote from somewhere I don't remember but it looks so true. Don't you agree? No? Okay, your opinion. But I say mine. Yes, school teaches you to be ready for test like whatever test they give you. While, life, you never going to expect the test to come and when it came it will give you a lesson. The way you never expect a test makes it harder and I think it will give you a lesson, I guess. What do you think life and school have in contrast or differences?
From: Wish Well Wisher sorrylah its too short

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hey guys, wait for me!

Hello people of the world! I have an important thing to tell you. It is Eid! Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims in the world. I would want to say sorry to all my dreadful mistakes. Everybody is not perfect, right? So, we give this topic to someone who is good at it which is one of the members of Eureka Seeker. I hope they here soon. It must have been a busy week for them.
You know, life can be very hard or sometimes easy. You just have to be grateful of what you have and remember that life is not completed without any hardship or happiness. Never forget to cherish your happiness and share it with others. Who is the others? Friends, true and best friends of course. Or any people you want. True friends will be there for you when you have hardships. They can see your pain without you telling it. Don't dump your friends. You never know their true value until they're gone. but, it's your choice to tell them or not. You had the rights to tell your 90%. You don't need to tell them all remember? Some of them had to be invisible. Your choice, not mine or not your friends.
Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you a lesson. Best people give you memories...So for you who are these people?

Wish Well Wisher.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Argh! I am the most pathetic person in the whole wide world!

Okay, never mind about the title. I'm just a little down now, okay? So, don't tell the others. You promise? Hah! You didn't? How-How dare you?! You are the most mistrustful friend I ever had! I couldn't believe that you just didn't keep your promise. Humph. And you don't say sorry. That's very bad like really bad. 
Maybe we compromise. Wouldn't you say? I forgive you for what have you done but never do it again. You will? Hurray! Someone just said sorry to me!

I am very crazy, right?

You know, I am not a person who said "Oh, I just met you and I will tell my biggest secret" No! I am not like that! So, whoever is my friend, it will take years to know more about me. I am completely invisible. I am very sorry but you must be leaving after I said this. Huhuhu. I am really pathetic am I? 
You know, a true friend is someone who keeps a promise and a secret. It will be really sad and embarrassed that your friend had just break your promise and tell a secret to someone. So, never do that to your friend or don't find a friend like that unless that person said sorry. Or mostly you can just forgive your friend. I know is hard to forgive but it's always the best thing to do.  
You know what people? Sometimes I just have to be grateful who I am. I know I am pathetic so what? It doesn't effect someone life or something. You know what, I feel a lot better know. Maybe I just had to write it down.
Wish Well Wisher. 

Monday, August 06, 2012

Hey, I feel like writing today.

Okay, actually I don't know what to write about.
Yay, I don't know what to write about. Okay...I am slightly crazy today. Hmm...Argh! I have no idea what to write! This is terrible and I know you been waiting.
Everything seems connected, don't you think? The way world works and life. They seem connected in some way that you don't know. Like a machine. There is no left out pieces in this world. Means that everyone is a part of it. Part of this wretched world. Some will do extraordinary things. Some will...lack off. But, everything matters . Even a smallest action. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, comitted people can change the world.
Ever feeling that you are another piece left behind or useless or imperfect? Never fear, I am here to save the day. Ta-da! Trying to light up your spirits a bit. Never fear because I'm feeling the same thing too. Kinda weird, huh? But, you always have to remember that everybody is perfect in they own imperfect ways. So smile and don't say why and keep going on. Remember THAT EVERYBODY IS CONNECTED AND NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. And anyway there's always some person  in this world that is happy when you feeling give up. Why? They are happy because you exist. And What adventures in life if there is no ups and downs, it just like you are dead for some reason. Happy ending need to have a start you know. So go make your story and have a very good happy things on it, okay? Now go and never fret of any challenges that lay in front of you!
From: Wish Well Wisher
Maybe we should start putting from.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Love, people!

"So open up your heart and you find
love, love, love...
so I won't care cause I take no more, no more
it cannot wait, I'm Yours"
Oh, hello you guys. What are you doing here? You WHAT! You caught me singing. Oh, this is terrible, insane, the end of the world! So, how's my singing?? Okay, okay. So, what are you guys here for? Want to talk about love, eh?
So, what is love?? What power that it holds? Hmm...A tough questions indeed. Love is to like something/somebody and enjoy it very much. Example, you like...a song and enjoy it very much when you hear it or you love somebody and always give presents to that person. Love IS VERY IMPORTANT in your daily life. Remember to "value" your love. What! Value your love? That's nonsense! Or is it?
If you love something, care for it! DON'T throw it away! That's mad! That's what I mean to value your love. 
You care for it whatever the time. If you don't care for it, that thing will wither and die and you will regret your actions. 
Love is a very powerful thing, you know. Love can brought things back to life. (Well, maybe not but let make it more "abstract") Love can make everything came back together. Why, Love can change the world! Remember: When the power of love overcome the love of power there would be peace. 
You want that, would ya? A place full of peace and prosperity.  You just have to give a little love. And who knows maybe it can save the earth which begging to be saved!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ever have a feeling that you are invisible?

90% of who you are is invisible to other people.
Hello people of the world! I know you are waiting for me, so here I am.
Do you ever judge someone before you know that person? Do you think that you always know more than anybody else about your best friend? Do you think you know more?
Of course, most people judge someone first before you know that person. It is a fact. Don't deny it. Ever heard that sentence before? The one that's highlighted in yellow, ever heard of that? No? Well, I am not surprise at all. I never heard of it until I read a book. Funny though, you can get a quote from a novel book.
The sentence means that people can't see the 90 percent of you. Means you are 90 percent INVISIBLE! Cool, eh? So, where is the other 10 percent? Can you guess? People see it, of course. So, remember that if you ever judge someone just remember that you only see the 10 percent of that person until that person give up some of its 90 percent.
Wait! You can give up your percents? Of course, you can! When you start to have friends with someone. That someone will know you more than the others. You will give up your percents even though you try hard enough to NOT give it. Anyway, what kind of friend is that when you faked yourself? But still, some of your percents had to stay anonymous. Why? I don't know. Don't just say you know most things about your friend because there's a still some percents hidden and had to be like that.
People are mysterious and invisible. And it always had been. Definitely.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hello people! I am back to write one of my exotic stories. Sorry for the late. It had been a busy week. So, what shall I write??? Hmm...Oh, I know! About family!
Family?! You know what is that? Of course, you know! Everybody have to value their family. What! You don't! HOW DARE YOU! Such impudent person you are! 
Okay, that's very violent outburst but seriously, you have to value your family. You know, family are very important in your life. Without this treasure, you'll be lost. Besides friends, family is another trustful people in the whole wide world! They will be with you in any kind of hardship just like a true friend would have done. Remember to be grateful for your family. Many people don't have a real family, you know.
You know, family will be with you if your friend just did something like tell your secret to other people. Why? Because you are the member of that family.
A real family is people who love and care about you. They give you laughter and full of happy memories. If your parents ever scolded you, remember they just care. We all know parents can be embarrassing sometimes but you know, it will be better they try than to not try at all.
Let's take a time to thank our family for all they hard work.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Ha! Do you want to know something?

NEVER make DIFFERENCES hold you to make friends.
Whoa..What!? Differences...I couldn't care less about it. HA! That's why. You want to know more about differences or you just want to stay in your box and close your ears and said " I don't care, I don't care" You CHOOSE! This world had so many choices, you know and some of them can make you change...
Okay people! Let's find the truth about differences...
Differences is a personality YOU have that makes you different than anybody in the world like your skin color or your religion or well, anything that makes you different than anyone else. Differences makes you...special and makes But, differences always holds you back, right? Differences always makes you feel...well... different. Always remember that YOU are special. You don't need to be same as others. That would be boring, wouldn't it? The world that has people that has the same everything. Ugh...I don't want to think about it.
What power does differences hold? Hmm...That's tough you know. Maybe we should look back in the history and see what we find. One of the prominent history of differences is the US history. Okay, no offences but they have some. The civil war was the famous one. Because of one group (African American) differences had led the country to a big war. Well, that's kinda sad. They just different color nothing else. Now, what power do you think differences had? -silent- What! Can you at least say something? Oh, forget it. Differences has the power to change the world!
Wow! That's big and bold letters.
It is true, though. You just have to research stuff and wala! There you have it, evidence.
Somehow, never and I say it EVER make differences hold you to make friends. So, who cares that person is different. You are a human same as that person. It doesn't make any differences. Let the differences aside and make friends and peace to the world!

Sunday, July 01, 2012


Friends?? What is this phrase means?? What power does it hold that can make such a big difference??

To people who doesn't even value their friends it is well... um... nothing. Friends were define as a person that you know and like and who likes you. Seriously, that's all. BORING! They should add more to it.
So, who knows more about friends and the meaning of friendship?
Oh, come on! You guys don't know or you guys are too shy to say it. Come on, where are your bottoms? Seriously, it is an old word that means "brave".

Friends and friendship...a very powerful thing, you know. Friends is a person that you hang out with and it is a person you trusted the most after your family. It is a special person and they always there for you when you sad or happy. With friends you created a friendship. In myth, friendship consider kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty and laughter. When this things came together they make magic according to the myth la. But to make a friendship that last forever you need five of these. So, remember to choose your friends wisely. You don't want to end up crying or sorts. And who knows when you have five of these maybe magic appear! Seriously, though that's kinda childish but just maybe. And who knows these five elements maybe can create peace too.


Don't forget about this...Twas a really cute and touching quote.

Sunday, May 27, 2012



The midterms exam are over and the holidays are in! Smile cause' no more heavy book behind your backs, that will probably cause you to have non-straight backs and aching shoulders in your 80's. 

My neck and shoulders really hurt a lot at school. Anyway, look forward. Jump, run...Smile!

I'm Izzati. Been a long time since I wrote. Fatihah been taking over.

Miss those guys, The understanding Fatihah, The Sweet Fatin and The cool Safiyah. Also my amazing classmates at SAIS! I can't help but cry when I see them in those old Sri Ayesha videos. Okay, call me weird, crazy, sensitive girl. Who cares!

I'm really lonely without those girls. Maybe they don't know this, cause it ain't a big deal but... I sit alone at class. I don't have much friends there. Just 2 and I only get to see them at recess.

I found out I, maybe, have to sit alone for the rest of the year while everyone has someone sitting beside them.

Dear, Friends...
Thanks for all those memories. Which even though I'm alone makes me smile. For the special experience of having amazing friends like you. I wish I got to see you! If we were neighbours that will be great. I could see you everyday... You popped in my dream many times. I dreamt meeting you, but I'll wake up upset but still happy. I don't control my dream, I wasn't thinking about you before I slept but there you were keeping me company even in my thoughts. THANKS!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

True friend

I was alone,
sitting by the pier,
looking at the sea,
as the wind blew
and my feet dangled.
People past around me,
not noticing I was there,
Then, a person came,
hold my hand tight,
and say "Come and play with me,"
After that, I never be alone again.

~This is mine by the way. I didn't copy it, I think. Edited by Fatihah Fauzi, 2017.

Monday, April 30, 2012

A feeling towards them

Assalamualaikum, dah lame Izzati ngan Fatin x post so saya, Nur Fatihah one of the member living in US akan post kan. Hehehehe.
Well, story saye takdelah panjang sangat. Saye nak tell how I feel about my Eureka Seekers friends. So, let's start.
Safiyah Aqilah Zulkarnain yang paling tak lama kawan dengan saya. Saya kawan dengan dia masa darjah 5. Masa itu kami duduk sebelah.

~You know what, I'm going to leave like that. Just accept the fact that my writing wasn't the best when I was 13. Edited by Fatihah Fauzi. (2017)

Saye x tahu pasal ape2 kat dia. Since, dia tu selalu x dtg sekolah tau. Tiba2 kami jadi kwn baik. X tahu la mcm  mane tapi mcm tu la. Dia adalah the talented drawer mcm Katarina kwn saye kat sklh US. Dia adalah paling lawak sekali.
Saye x pernah kisah dia punye kelemahan. Thank You Safiyah for yur beautiful and funny jokes yu make for me.
Fatin Nadhirah ialah one of the shortest person in class. Which kami x kisah langsung. Dia ade kwn lain jugak tapi dia pilih kumpulan nie sebagai kwn baik dia. Im not sure how i become friend with her but i guess we be friends sebab mase tu kwn saye kelas lain, so tiba2 jelah jadi mcm tu. Dia matang and selalu merendah kan diri dia. But, thanks to her I never ever felt alone anymore( kat Malaysia)
Last kali mestilah Izzati. The oldest friend I ever had. 3 thn kite berkwn. Kite gaduh tapi kite always together. Always. The most cherish memories are within us. Kite selalu buat poems and hantar written gifts at each other.
Dia lah kwn yg last saye nampak sebelum saye naik kapal terbang. She is a daydreamer and creative girl. We always play something that is very imanginative. Before we become friends, we have a shrouded past. How hard is that us to be friends that time as I am new kid in a very new school. Thanks to her I learned the meaning of friendship and I can use it to face the challenges at my new school.
Thanks to this beautiful friends I have. Alhamdullilah. If it wasn't for them, I don't know were I am in this challenging world. I miss yu guys and I hope yu are here with me by my side now.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Maulidur Rasul


Assalamualaikum dan hai semua.
Masih sempat lagikah saya mahu cerita tentang maulidur rasul ni?
Saya ni bukannya pandai bertazkirah and other than that but I've something to share with you all.

Meh meh, rajinkan diri klik video yang tertera di bawah ini,apa salahnya.Mari mari kita muhasabah diri kita sama sama.

Seriously, I cried! Saya menitiskan air mata apabila menonton video ini. It's touching.
Kisah ini sedih. Betapa besarnya pengorbanan Nabi Muhammad SAW. He always remember his ummat first. Ya Allah,betapa sayangnnya Nabi Muhammad kepada kita.

Okey,sudah panjang celoteh saya. Ohh,saya mahu kongsikan satu lagi kisah. Saya dapat ini dari Hanienah, kawan saya.

Suatu hari.. Nabi Muhammad SAW bertanya :
"Siapakah hamba Allah yang mulia?"

Sahabat menjawab : 
"Para malaikat Ya Rasulullah"

Sahabat yang lain :
"tentulah para nabi, merekalah yang mulia"

Nabi tersenyum lalu berkata :
"Ya, mereka mulia, tetapi ada yang lebih mulia"

Para sahabat terdiam lalu berkata :
"Adakah kami yang mulia itu Ya Rasulullah"

Nabi berkata :
"Tentulah kalian mulia, kalian dekat denganku, tapi bukan kalian yang aku maksudkan"

Nabi menundukkan wajahnya, baginda menitiskan airmata sehingga membasahi pipi dan janggutnya, lalu berkata :
" Wahai sahabatku, mereka adalah manusia-manusia yang lahir jauh setelah wafatnya aku, mereka terlalu mencintai Allah & tahukah kalian, mereka tidak pernah melihatku, mereka tidak dekat denganku seperti kalian, mereka sangat rindu kepadaku dan saksikanlah wahai sahabatku bahawa AKU SANGAT RINDU PADA MEREKA.. MEREKALAH UMMATKU! UMMATI! UMMATI! UMMATI!"

Meh,mari kita sama sama muhasabah diri kita.Sesungguhnya,Nabi Muhammad amat menyayangi umatnya.

Saya akhiri entri ini dengan selawat keatasnya

اللهم صل على سيد نا محمد وعلى اله و صحبه وسلم 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Darkness Vs. Light

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
ONLY  light an do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
ONLY love can do that.
Hate multiplies hate
violence multiplies violence
and toughness multiplies toughness
in a descending spiral of destruction.

Remember this poem, so we don't have destruction in the future.

This poem was copied from a book that I used to read a long time ago...if anyone found the author of this poem, please email me at so, I could cite this wonderful poem. ~Edited by Fatihah Fauzi