Monday, August 06, 2012

Hey, I feel like writing today.

Okay, actually I don't know what to write about.
Yay, I don't know what to write about. Okay...I am slightly crazy today. Hmm...Argh! I have no idea what to write! This is terrible and I know you been waiting.
Everything seems connected, don't you think? The way world works and life. They seem connected in some way that you don't know. Like a machine. There is no left out pieces in this world. Means that everyone is a part of it. Part of this wretched world. Some will do extraordinary things. Some will...lack off. But, everything matters . Even a smallest action. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, comitted people can change the world.
Ever feeling that you are another piece left behind or useless or imperfect? Never fear, I am here to save the day. Ta-da! Trying to light up your spirits a bit. Never fear because I'm feeling the same thing too. Kinda weird, huh? But, you always have to remember that everybody is perfect in they own imperfect ways. So smile and don't say why and keep going on. Remember THAT EVERYBODY IS CONNECTED AND NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. And anyway there's always some person  in this world that is happy when you feeling give up. Why? They are happy because you exist. And What adventures in life if there is no ups and downs, it just like you are dead for some reason. Happy ending need to have a start you know. So go make your story and have a very good happy things on it, okay? Now go and never fret of any challenges that lay in front of you!
From: Wish Well Wisher
Maybe we should start putting from.

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