Thursday, August 15, 2013

What should we do?

About right now more than 3000 people are dead in Egypt.
Not like you guys don't know but it is good to tell what had been told again and again. For me, at least. This fact is been told in the worldwide news and must have show in your Facebook pages. Is it true for you guys? It is true for me.

I felt like this thing kept happening. You know, killing people. Like it had been there since we came to Earth. You heard people kill this and that. People kill animals, the Earth, the species and themselves. If you have heart, you will feel pity. But, as it the news goes by, it slowly wane away. Soon, you forget and life goes on.
Right? Is it true for you?

So, about those people who are dead in Egypt, what are you going to do about it?
Nothing as usual. Wait until the news goes by. Felt pity for them. Give a little bit of money to send to the refugees.
Kind of right?
Well, I felt like that. My truth, really. To me, whoever die in Egypt is in for a treat because they will have a safe passage to heaven. This is my opinion and you don't need to follow it. You guys can think whatever you guys want. Anyway, my real reason of writing this is not about religion.
Of course, many people die in Egypt. But, what about the people in other parts of the world? As far as I know, there are people in Africa and India dying right now because of malnutrition, diseases and of course, war. Not like the news care.
Do you care?

A reminder for all of us to care for the world for once. And about the government killing its own people in Egypt, a stupid act, I say. The government must be son of bitches to kill their own people. And, both sides are the same religion right? Same like Syria, killing people who had the same religion as their own. Stupid, I say.

I don't blame the news about  them don't report the people who had died because of malnutrition or stuff like that. It is their decency to report what is important.
Sometimes I felt like I write stupid things too.
Wish Well Wisher.    

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Without rain

Have you ever questioned the rain?
Questioned why it come?
Questioned why it goes?
Questioned what it brings?
Questioned why it brings?

Oh, rain,
rain that comes and goes,
rain that brings harvest and plants,
rain that brings flood and kill your love ones,
You have questioned the mankind,
The mankind ask why and how,
The mankind ask what and now.

True, rain is powerful,
True, rain is a killer,
But, mankind, oh mankind,
rain had given us many.
How can we survive without rain?
Without rain,
You die or suffer,
Without rain,
You won't exist in this world,
And, felt love,
given by the rain.

So, be thankful.

Wish Well Wisher

Friday, August 02, 2013

A great king in our hearts....

My brother actually found another zombie video from Youtube. Well, I am not a fond of zombies but my brother kept insisting. I decide to watch it.
The video was about some guy played the game "The Last of Us." It had a good story into it and the ending was very good too. And unexpected, which made the story better. It start of course, an outbreak.
It is an outbreak of fungus thing that can take over someone body. Not like in "The Walking Dead," where people just turn to zombies.

The game play was great too. It gave you choices on what to do with the enemy and also, you have a choice whether to stay on the story or roam around to find supplies and side stories too. But, you don't have the control of what is going to happen next in the story. So, this game is based on life like "The Walking Dead." You make choices in life. Whatever choice you make, you have to live with it.
But, that is not what I am interested on. I am interested on the characters of the story. (For those who is out there that doesn't know the story) The story has a main character named Joel who had a daughter that had been killed on the first day of the breakout. There is also a young girl named Ellie who is immune to the fungus. Well, these two characters are finding the people who supposed to find a cure and while they traveled they developed a relationship with each other. Not those sexy kind of relationship, but a father-daughter one.

~SPOILER ALERT~I JUST NOTICE IT NOW~Edited by Fatihah Fauzi, 2017

Fathers had a great sense of protection. They always had these feelings of responsibility of taking care of us and the family. They also had a choice to left the family. But, depends on whoever father, father is what well, your great king in your heart. Is it bad or good that depends on you. The story in the end left Joel take a choice whether to let Ellie die when the doctors are doing the operation or let Ellie live and kill all others that cannot survive the outbreak. Well, Joel save Ellie like all the rest of the father of the world would have done. Selfish but you could have done the same if it were someone that you love.

Love your dad people! And dads, protect and love your love ones
from and sincerely
Wish Well Wisher