Friday, November 01, 2013

See the light over there?

At last, my brother found the computer mouse. Now, I can write stories in my room without any worries of other people. If only the room was a little bit colder.  I watched The Croods  just now and I could say 100 percent, it is a very good story. If you have not watched the movie The Croods yet, then please watch it.
If you have watched it, then you don’t need to read it. But, if you want to, then, please continue reading.

If you haven’t watched it and have no idea what it is about, then I give you the overview what is happening in the movie.

The movie was about a caveman family and with a help of a stranger running away from a disaster that strikes the land (Earthquakes, land splitting apart, you know those stuff.) The adventure they had changed the way the family thinks by the help of the curious girl, Eep, and the stranger, Guy. Guy is a modern day man like us, smart and idea person, while the Croods, the family’s name, well, a strong bulky people. This story, in my opinion, was a great family story for everybody who would love a story about the relationship in a family, relationship between father and a daughter and ideas, new, change. I really recommend to the people out there to watch it. It nearly brought me to tears.

This story was ought to be share in the whole wide world. This story teaches me about father’s love towards family and accepting things that are new that could be risky. And other things.

 I have told you guys about the father love before. But, here’s the thing I forgot to add. A father always protects the family no matter what. A father sometimes can bit busy, but in their hearts they love you all the way. They just don’t have time to tell to you guys how much he loves you.  Don’t forget to tell your father how much you love him as well.

Everybody could say that the main theme of this story was accepting new ideas. But, as you can see I put it after the father’s love. I don’t know why I write it that way, don’t ask me.  Change could be very difficult, right?  I understand that new and change can be very difficult to accept. I always had this feeling in me when something changes. I think the feeling was distraught or something I have no idea about. But, to me, I try my best to adapt changes. It is very hard, but you will get over with.

When the mother of the family explained to the dad, Grug, saying that she doesn’t want to hide anymore, I realized it was another lesson to be learned. I am asking you guys now. Are you afraid of something? Like life in general? Or something else? Then, don't be afraid. Try to be brave. You see, being scare and hide when a problem come up isn't the right way to solve a problem. Move forward. Follow the light. Maybe, you can’t see it, then, find it inside you. Do you have the hope to go on after your neglect story? Try to fly to Tomorrow.

It ain't easy. I get it. It is okay to have change. It is okay to be afraid. You see, you don't have brave without being scared.
Wish Well Wisher. 

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