Wednesday, November 06, 2013


Okay, I have a contain excitement in me, so I think I better share or actually burst it with you guys.

Do you love to read books? Okay, it is stupid to ask, but I love reading them. You see, every time I delve into a book, I felt different. I felt I am going away from my reality. I felt like every single thing around me dissolve and I transport to a world of fantasy, the world of story. I felt like I am in the story, but not really there. I felt like I am in the conscious of the character mind, but the character doesn't involve me into it. 

So, you asked why I write this stuff.

I don't know why, but I think every time I finish a book, I felt this surge of excitement. I am excited that I finish it and found out what happen at last. But, there is a twinge of sadness because I am saying my goodbyes at the beautiful story. So, yes, I did finish the book. A book that I think it will be widely known after a couple of years later, the Hero of Olympus series. Maybe, this book is the reason why I am excited.

Yes, the book was fine. It has a very twist plot that I was kind of figure it out before the last pages of the book come. I will thoroughly recommend anyone to read this book. But, I will write thoroughly about this book and about Percy Jackson in another time in the other blog I have. It is in the links page.

Before I get to the part that I really want to tell you guys, I want to tell you something. If you are so smart and so attentive, then, you must know there are two authors in this blog. But, here is something that I should tell you. No, there are no two authors. Frankly, I will like to have two, but yeah, there were only one. There were two accounts. Eureka Seekers, the original one and well, the Google account. I will change from one account to another depends on my mood and if I am lazy on that day or what. But, I write this post on the behalf of me and my friends, Eureka Seekers.

My friends have a big shout out to books. So, I kind of thought, "Hey, maybe , I should write about books today" just out of blue. Books, to me, change me. You see, without books, I am freaking nobody. But, heck I am nobody in the first place. A very good reason I recline to stories that is not even fit the description of me. But, hey, it is a sweet adventure and I will never let a chance of adventure fly away. Books had built a big part of me. I cannot imagine myself someone who doesn't read books! I just can't. It is not me. 

Books change the way I think about the world. Mostly, those English books I had been reading. Sometimes I think, Malaysians books are so full of reality. Yeah, I know, it's fiction, but it always about the reality. Fantasy are scarce in Malaysia. Maybe, there is, but I am just not seeing it. English books makes me feel that anything can happen and when it happens, get ready, because it will be wild.

So, I am going to give a big shout out to the authors in the world. They had change me, certainly, a lot. I could have never be me now, if it weren't for their stories, their imaginations and their opinions. I am so grateful that the authors were born in this world. Without these creative people, the world would have descend into the world of darkness, the world without knowledge.
Whoa...I could stare this forever

So, tell me, what do you think about books? 
I really had a feeling that I write about this before, but well, like I care. :D
Happy November everybody!
Wish Well Wisher.

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