Sunday, September 23, 2012

Remember that you are not the only one that has that feeling.

Have you have a feeling that you are alone in a room full of people? Really, you have! Or you just lying. Just kidding. I have that kind of feeling too and I know many people felt alone even though there are many people surrounding you. Sorrow is a feeling alone in a room full of people. hehehe saje2 nk berquote.What about other "alone"? Like alone in a place? Have you ever have that? Of course, everybody has that. It's obvious. That feeling for me is afraid or something else. I don't know how to explain it. Sorry.

Do you ever think that you are the only one who have a one specific problem? I did. I have a problem that I think that no one else have. When I have that feeling my eyes started to feel hot and my heart felt like it tore to pieces. It is a problem in life, so what should you do? Keep it or let it out to someone else? It is your opinion but it is not an embarrassment that you cried because of it. Sometimes letting it out is just better than swallowed your tears. Well, maybe not in front of everybody. Find a place alone or with someone(if you are not secretive) and let it out. I actually could feel my heart really clenched when I swallowed my problems. If you have problems, move on with your life. It is just really bad that you mourn about it and you don't receive any progress in your life.

But, you have to remember that it is not you have that one specific problem. You are not only one that have a problem or a challenge. You have to be grateful because some people have harder problems than you. I actually feel very proud to people have harder problems because they are stronger than me. Be grateful. Last week, I found somebody who have the same problem as me! It is so exact that I couldn't believe what I am reading. I won't tell you more about this, though. Sorry. So, see. You are not the only one in the world that have the specific problem. 

You are not alone. If you are in the room full of people and you felt sorrow, remember that you are not alone. There is maybe someone in the room or the school or the world that is also alone that are waiting for you to came and help them.

Hey look! A black and white picture!

From Wish Well Wisher

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hey, Hey, What are you doing?!

I wish someone writes this...People are very busy, today. You know, school. Well, I have a little time to do this but at least I have time. Okay, Let's get into to the topic. Let's learn this word R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect, do you know what it means? Of course, you do. Why would I want to tell you, anyway. This word is at every corner of the world! So, you should know.
Do you heard of the video that starts uprising of Middle East? Really, you don't!? How ignorant are you!! Hehehe xdelah just kidding. It must be very busy week for you. I don't want to tell all the details, though. It is on the news in all of the world, people. You must look it and at least know some basic info. about it. The video is awful, bad and UNRESPECTFUl. Why? Well, If you being teased or give a bad opinion about you, do you feel angry, like one thousand times angry? That's how the people of Muslims feel. Because of the video that tease Prophet Muhammad SAW, people are angry.
So, what do these two topics have in common? Anybody want to answer? No!? Well, okay. The vidoe has unrespectful opinion about Muslims. Get it? I know it's an opinion but respectlah. What do you feel if your religion being teased? Remember to respect people opinions. Respect people religion. Why you would want to make such a stupid video? Okay, maybe some of you guys like it but seriously it doesn't help. That video just change the "peace" of the world. Do you think that person who make the video is bad? Well, I think he is. But, thats an opinion, you want to think whatever to him, fine. Like I will be mad at you. I do not force people to be like me. Say sorry and forgive too. Forgive the person say sorry for your actions.
Ooooh that's rhyme.
From wish well wisher

Sunday, September 09, 2012

School is...What do you think?

I am so sorry. 2 weeks is unforgivable. I am such a lousy person. So sorry. Please forgive me. I'm just like everybody else. Forgetful and busy but hey, at least I'm here. What's my reason for my disappearance? Read the title. Yes! School and technical problems. Blame the school and the computer, okay? This computer is PC not those cool Mac computers.
So, summer is finish here at US and school is starting. Now, it is the second week in school and I survive the first week! How glad am I! I just need to survive approximately 9 months more. How long is that?! very long, I guess. The Malaysian students have to survive more than that though. Pitiful but I prefer to say I am more pitiful.
So, who hates school? Who likes or enjoy school? Well, It could be 50/50. I would say both. I do not like school because...why would I want to tell you that? I won't tell you guys anything lah. Korang x best. Sorry. Secrets are fun to keep sometimes.
Do you ever know between school and life? No? I tell you now. This is some opinion so maybe you want to think it something else is fine to me. School teaches you lessons and then give you test. Life gives you a test and you learn a lesson. It is a quote from somewhere I don't remember but it looks so true. Don't you agree? No? Okay, your opinion. But I say mine. Yes, school teaches you to be ready for test like whatever test they give you. While, life, you never going to expect the test to come and when it came it will give you a lesson. The way you never expect a test makes it harder and I think it will give you a lesson, I guess. What do you think life and school have in contrast or differences?
From: Wish Well Wisher sorrylah its too short