I want to say that whoever had been visiting, liking and sharing this blog, thank you. It mean so much to me that people actually read it XD. You made my day happier.
I don't want to write in here anymore. Not because I don't want to, but because I want to preserve this blog from my future self, I guess. This blog was created when I was 12 with a group of friends and now, we all are 19 and busy with our future. I don't want to delete this blog. I love it and I love the posts, the memories that I had made when I was in my teens.
Can't believe I am going to degree soon...
But, don't fret! I am still writing. Just in another website that I made for my own.
So, this blog's purpose would be to inspire others. I want my old post to inspire others to do good. Inspire others to think and write and be themselves. So, read, my dear followers. Read and cringe at my ridiculous grammar and my teen's angst. So, read this blog when you feel down. When you feel like you can't move on. I guess I would read this blog back too from time to time.
This blog would be another end of one chapter in my life. Now, I will open a new one.
It seem redundant to make a new blog. But, it was essential to me. I hadn't been coping well with my present because I kept clinging on the past, wishing I was still young. Wishing I was still innocent.
But, I am not that girl anymore.
I had grown.
And even though I am letting go of the past, I will always remember the days when I was young. Not to feel regret over it, but to be happy with what I had become.
Let this blog be a repository of memories and let this blog inspire others to be themselves as well, Insya Allah.
Wish Well Wisher,
signing out for the last time.
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