Sunday, April 28, 2013

I am going to share you something.

I have nothing to tell you today. I just need to write this quick and precise. Savor some moments in your life once in a while. I have experience many friends of mine forgot everything that happen last year. Pretty sad, right? I savor some moments of mine and some are good and some are pretty bad. Sometimes when I look at my old bad memories, I think why do I do this? Sometimes I wish I want to go back in time and change it. But, it already happen and nature knows why this and that happen. You might find out later why we do this.
I make a poem for you guys. I hope you like it.
and a long time ago,
peace and prosperity,
live together with harmony.
Everything likes everybody,
Joy and wonders sung together,
Darkness and light are friends forever.

and a long time ago,
Darkness want power,
lust for power,
and wanting,
destroy and conquered,
unbalance the music of joy and harmony.

and a long time ago,
when man came to the new, 
oh, darkness,
come and bring blight, 
swords clashed,
spears thrown,
guns fired,
darkness... laughed.

and the present,
darkness smiled and smiled.
while man and nature,
fight for survival,
now, and now,
for what happened in the past,
becomes the future.
For, whatever action or doing,
It shows later,
No matter what.   

Do you guys like it? I came it up by myself within seconds after I wrote "I make a poem for you guys." Really, I have nothing for you guys today. I hope you enjoy moments that bring you today.
Wish Well Wisher
My friends in my country must be studying for that big test. A reason why they never come here.
Pretty cool picture.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

The meaning of life

I wonder how many people read this blog. I am very sure the other groups of Eureka Seekers is too busy to even look at it. I am okay with it, anyway. I don't mind. It is like having the whole web by yourself. Or not.
I read a book called "Liar and Spy." It is a very great book. It is a story about a boy who is suffered everyday from home to school. He tried to pretend that life is well and ignored every problem he had. He is just following the principal of a painting that made by many dots. I think its painter is Sir Ott. I guess.
Anyway, he thought that the dots did not matter. That life is a one big picture. Then, he realized that, no, the dots matter. It matter very much. 
  There is the book.

Another thing I really want to share with you guys is a movie named "Jeremy Finch and The meaning of Life." This movie is great and enlighten too. This is a movie about a boy whom his father died. On his thirteenth birthday, he found a box that is for him and its contains are the meaning of life. He needs four keys to unlock it. As I follow his adventures around, he found out more about what life is. These are some sayings that I remember: "If you stop asking questions about the world, what is the use of living here" "There is no exact answer of what is the meaning of life. People have different perspective about it" This is the one that I like the most: "Life is a string of moments that you collect and experience. Some moments are bad and some are good. The most important thing is that you have to find the moments that are precious to you."
Now, how can this two medias connected. When the book said that the dots matter, it said that the moments matter. Dots = moments. The painting in the book reflects that life is one big picture or one big story that is full of dots or moments that are very dear to us.

See you later guys. 
From Wish Well Wisher. 
I let you guys do the thinking. :) 

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Hey, I'm back!

Hey! I have a lot to tell you guys, but I am so busy this last week. Today is Monday and my faithful friend isn't here today, which was very sad. I wonder what's wrong. I am going to have three test on Friday. Biology, English and Math. Too many, right? I can cope it. I hope...

I joined tennis and at last, I can do something for the school. You know what, i learn something about me while I'm at tennis. I can't play tennis. I just so bad at it that I want to cry. Literally cry. I can't serve and I can't hit. But, I was so lucky to win some matches. Tomorrow, we will have another match against South High School. Wish me luck!

In Spring break, I done homework, but I actually over do it. So, in Japanese, we have to achieve 200 points to complete it and more than 300 is extra credit. I really wish there is an extra credit for math because math is the one that really needs it. Anyway, I think I went to 500 something and really, my teacher said that he doesn't know how to give the grade. :) Oh! Mr. Jackson!
See you later,
I have no idea what to write now...
Wish Well Wisher.