Wednesday, October 01, 2014


I didn’t even realize that I need motivation all along.

School is nearly ending. Exams are coming its way to the doorsteps of my peace. PT3/PMR and SPM are nearing.
This is what I call, end-of-the-year-in-Malaysia. Pretty stressful, isn’t it?
Therefore, the schools hired a very over-the-top motivator, Doctor Tengku Asmadi.  You guys, if you don’t know him, either you are non-Malaysia or you just don’t listen to the Malaysian radio or watch the Malaysian TV too much.

I am not going to write his biography here. It will just bore you. But, here’s what I know. He was born in a poor family in Terengganu, Malaysia and dreamed to become a doctor one day. He works VERY hard to get there and he successfully achieved his ambition. When he looked back through all his hard work and the generation that is growing right now, he thought he could change the world by changing and motivate the roots: the students. He doesn’t want to see his generation grew up regretting their life. No, he doesn’t. So, he left his current job and became one of the greatest motivator in Malaysia.

I cannot express my happiness, my shock when the teacher told us that he is coming. It was like a dream come true. His motivation could make you feel like…I can do this shit no matter whatever shit comes in the way!
After all this time…really, I thought I was okay. I thought I can do it no matter what. I thought I could heal. But, I didn’t know I need motivation.  I didn’t know I was not okay.
So, he came. He came and enlightens me. He came and shouts in front of the stage. He came and MOTIVATES me. He came and changed me. He came and told me I could do it.
Technically, he told the whole school, but…who cares?

Here’s the thing: Always and I say it again ALWAYS motivate yourself every SINGLE day. I do mean it. Motivate and think positive because if you don’t, in three days, you’ll be more depressing than the grey clouds of the rain. Always wake up with a positive thinking.  Be thankful that you are alive when you wake up. Mornings are the beginnings of the day. Never start the beginnings with something bad. Start over. Yesterday, you are different. Today, you are different. Start with a smile.

When someone freaking insults you, telling you’re ugly, telling you’re dumb, fat, retard, or whatever, DON’T SLAP THEIR MOUTH’S WITH A CHAIR! I know you want to do it, but DON’T.

Instead say, “SO WHAT?”

And leave, like a BOSS.

This is a way for you to Stand up for yourself. Don’t leave that insult hanging on to you the whole day. It will make you effing crazy. And when you crazy, you will do crazy shtuff, like suicide or hurting yourself or eating drugs or well, DANGEROUS STUFF.

Let it go, like whatever Elsa says.

Seriously, I don’t think I like Elsa that much, but she got a point.

Try your best and do your very best in every aspect in life possible. I know you must think you are suck with everything, but…everybody has a talent. Just be Yourself. Talent will show when you live positively, happily, smartly, and yourself-ly. J Smile every day. Don’t let problems take you down in a deeper abyss. Fight them with your super awesomeness, your super techy gaming skills, your reading-ness, your geeky-ness, your nerd-ness, your smartness, yourself.

Tell yourself you can do it.


And for all of you Muslims out there, come back to Allah. Allah is your protector. Pray that everything can get better. Pray for strength, for happiness, for peace. Put your trust in Allah because nothing will ever happen except what He ordained for us. Your problems are there because Allah trusts you that yes, you are strong enough, yes, you can do it and yes, you can get through it.  

You and I came a long way. 
We can do it. 
We can make the world a better place 

Happy October!
Well, I know it's a day early but... Happy Birthday Dat Nguyen!

Wish Well Wisher