It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, when the air was not as humid and as hot as usual. I was walking with my friend to the auditorium when a teacher called me that if I want to go to Masjid Putra at Putrajaya. If you ever visited Malaysia, one of the places that you should visit was this place. It is a beautiful place to visit and it is one of Malaysian buildings that we always value.
Anyway, I don't really want to go because I went there like many times already and it is such in a short notice. I don't like short notices because it makes me panic and I felt like I cannot think what to do. The teacher keep insisting to come and they called my mom to tell her that I'm going, so I have to go. I don't really like leaving my friend alone, but she will be fine. But, I was asking myself, will I be fine?
Fortunately, my twin (the girl who has my name coincidentally) and a new girl who I make friends with on the first day she came to my school. So, I'm not totally alone. The program was religious and I realized it that I had been in one for a seriously long time. I learn new and good thing, but this program really did hit me. It reminds me about many things and I well...feel very aware what I had done in the past.
So, I am lucky or not?
Okay, I'm not going on about this. I know some of my audience are not Muslims, so I'm not going on about it to respect my Non-Muslims readers. If well, my audience today is Muslims, well, then I am truly sorry that I cannot share with you what I learn over there. But, what I want to share with you guys today was something that they teach me over there. Okay, I know you are started to think I am twisted, but this thing is worth to tell you guys.
One of the ustaz (that's what we called our man teachers) said about self. He said to take care of yourself and tried not to make yourself to be bad. He said not to harm yourself in anyway possible. He made a point there, but I think you guys were like, "Duh, I heard it many times." It is a trite expression you might say, but it is something you really have to delve deep more. You see, taking drugs and cut yourself with a knife doesn't make the hurt in your heart to go away. It just hurt yourself more. I know that no one cares, but no one is going to care for you.
Another thing that he also said that don't make yourself feel better by hurting other people. I know you're mad and angry at the whole world, but please and seriously, people around you doesn't done anything to you. Well, if it's for a revenge, then it is a entirely different story. Anyway, DON'T BULLY people is bad and makes you bad and also can lead you to suicidal.
Who loves owl city?
Here's a song for Owl City about bullying even though I kind of not sure about that... But listen
By your faithful friend, maybe,
Wish Well Wisher