Sunday, July 29, 2012

Love, people!

"So open up your heart and you find
love, love, love...
so I won't care cause I take no more, no more
it cannot wait, I'm Yours"
Oh, hello you guys. What are you doing here? You WHAT! You caught me singing. Oh, this is terrible, insane, the end of the world! So, how's my singing?? Okay, okay. So, what are you guys here for? Want to talk about love, eh?
So, what is love?? What power that it holds? Hmm...A tough questions indeed. Love is to like something/somebody and enjoy it very much. Example, you like...a song and enjoy it very much when you hear it or you love somebody and always give presents to that person. Love IS VERY IMPORTANT in your daily life. Remember to "value" your love. What! Value your love? That's nonsense! Or is it?
If you love something, care for it! DON'T throw it away! That's mad! That's what I mean to value your love. 
You care for it whatever the time. If you don't care for it, that thing will wither and die and you will regret your actions. 
Love is a very powerful thing, you know. Love can brought things back to life. (Well, maybe not but let make it more "abstract") Love can make everything came back together. Why, Love can change the world! Remember: When the power of love overcome the love of power there would be peace. 
You want that, would ya? A place full of peace and prosperity.  You just have to give a little love. And who knows maybe it can save the earth which begging to be saved!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ever have a feeling that you are invisible?

90% of who you are is invisible to other people.
Hello people of the world! I know you are waiting for me, so here I am.
Do you ever judge someone before you know that person? Do you think that you always know more than anybody else about your best friend? Do you think you know more?
Of course, most people judge someone first before you know that person. It is a fact. Don't deny it. Ever heard that sentence before? The one that's highlighted in yellow, ever heard of that? No? Well, I am not surprise at all. I never heard of it until I read a book. Funny though, you can get a quote from a novel book.
The sentence means that people can't see the 90 percent of you. Means you are 90 percent INVISIBLE! Cool, eh? So, where is the other 10 percent? Can you guess? People see it, of course. So, remember that if you ever judge someone just remember that you only see the 10 percent of that person until that person give up some of its 90 percent.
Wait! You can give up your percents? Of course, you can! When you start to have friends with someone. That someone will know you more than the others. You will give up your percents even though you try hard enough to NOT give it. Anyway, what kind of friend is that when you faked yourself? But still, some of your percents had to stay anonymous. Why? I don't know. Don't just say you know most things about your friend because there's a still some percents hidden and had to be like that.
People are mysterious and invisible. And it always had been. Definitely.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hello people! I am back to write one of my exotic stories. Sorry for the late. It had been a busy week. So, what shall I write??? Hmm...Oh, I know! About family!
Family?! You know what is that? Of course, you know! Everybody have to value their family. What! You don't! HOW DARE YOU! Such impudent person you are! 
Okay, that's very violent outburst but seriously, you have to value your family. You know, family are very important in your life. Without this treasure, you'll be lost. Besides friends, family is another trustful people in the whole wide world! They will be with you in any kind of hardship just like a true friend would have done. Remember to be grateful for your family. Many people don't have a real family, you know.
You know, family will be with you if your friend just did something like tell your secret to other people. Why? Because you are the member of that family.
A real family is people who love and care about you. They give you laughter and full of happy memories. If your parents ever scolded you, remember they just care. We all know parents can be embarrassing sometimes but you know, it will be better they try than to not try at all.
Let's take a time to thank our family for all they hard work.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Ha! Do you want to know something?

NEVER make DIFFERENCES hold you to make friends.
Whoa..What!? Differences...I couldn't care less about it. HA! That's why. You want to know more about differences or you just want to stay in your box and close your ears and said " I don't care, I don't care" You CHOOSE! This world had so many choices, you know and some of them can make you change...
Okay people! Let's find the truth about differences...
Differences is a personality YOU have that makes you different than anybody in the world like your skin color or your religion or well, anything that makes you different than anyone else. Differences makes you...special and makes But, differences always holds you back, right? Differences always makes you feel...well... different. Always remember that YOU are special. You don't need to be same as others. That would be boring, wouldn't it? The world that has people that has the same everything. Ugh...I don't want to think about it.
What power does differences hold? Hmm...That's tough you know. Maybe we should look back in the history and see what we find. One of the prominent history of differences is the US history. Okay, no offences but they have some. The civil war was the famous one. Because of one group (African American) differences had led the country to a big war. Well, that's kinda sad. They just different color nothing else. Now, what power do you think differences had? -silent- What! Can you at least say something? Oh, forget it. Differences has the power to change the world!
Wow! That's big and bold letters.
It is true, though. You just have to research stuff and wala! There you have it, evidence.
Somehow, never and I say it EVER make differences hold you to make friends. So, who cares that person is different. You are a human same as that person. It doesn't make any differences. Let the differences aside and make friends and peace to the world!

Sunday, July 01, 2012


Friends?? What is this phrase means?? What power does it hold that can make such a big difference??

To people who doesn't even value their friends it is well... um... nothing. Friends were define as a person that you know and like and who likes you. Seriously, that's all. BORING! They should add more to it.
So, who knows more about friends and the meaning of friendship?
Oh, come on! You guys don't know or you guys are too shy to say it. Come on, where are your bottoms? Seriously, it is an old word that means "brave".

Friends and friendship...a very powerful thing, you know. Friends is a person that you hang out with and it is a person you trusted the most after your family. It is a special person and they always there for you when you sad or happy. With friends you created a friendship. In myth, friendship consider kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty and laughter. When this things came together they make magic according to the myth la. But to make a friendship that last forever you need five of these. So, remember to choose your friends wisely. You don't want to end up crying or sorts. And who knows when you have five of these maybe magic appear! Seriously, though that's kinda childish but just maybe. And who knows these five elements maybe can create peace too.


Don't forget about this...Twas a really cute and touching quote.